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Tender Australia Terms of Service

Read the Terms and Conditions of Tender Australia, ensuring a secure and transparent matchmaking experience between NDIS service providers and support workers.

Terms of Service

Please read the following Terms relating to the serviceswhich are provided by Employment Tender Pty Ltd, trading as Tender Australia(A.B.N. 15 672 653 468) (“Tender Australia”, “we”, “us” or“our”). These Terms constitute an agreement between Tender Australia andyou (“Subscriber” “you” or “your”).


In this document:
Account means a Tender Australia subscriptionaccount, which the Subscriber has created to access the Services.
Plan refers to the Subscription plan/packageagreed between Tender Australia and the Subscriber from time to time via theWebsite (for example, Introductory, Standard, Premium) or otherwise inwriting. 
Privacy Policy means the Tender AustraliaPrivacy Policy as updated from time to time.
Services means the services that TenderAustralia provides to the Subscriber.
Subscriber means the individual, company ororganisation that has created an Account.
Subscription means a subscription to access theServices.
Subscription Date means the date that theSubscriber’s Account has been created.
Subscription Fee means any fee that is payableto Tender Australia in relation to a Subscription.
Terms means these Tender Australia SubscriptionTerms.
Website means the website displayed at any associated domains or subdomains

Acceptance of Terms 

1.  By creating an Account with Tender Australia, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions contained in these Terms and the Privacy Policy. These Terms govern your use of the Services that you are provided access to via the Subscription. Your access to the Services is conditional upon your acceptance and ongoing compliance with these Terms.

2.  We may at any time and at our sole discretion (without any liability to you), amend, revise or modify these Terms and/or scope of the Services. This may result in additional services being provided or some of the existing services being terminated.

3.  Although we may notify you of any such amendment, revision or modification by posting on the Website, it is your responsibility to periodically review these Terms. You agree to be bound by such changes, modifications or revisions as made by us from time to time.

How to access the Services

1.  Tender Australia provides Subscribers with access to the Services. You must be a current and valid Subscriber to access the Services and the associated benefits.

2.  The Subscription commences on the Subscription Date and is ongoing until such time that it is terminated. In most instances, this is a 30-day period.

3.  The features you have access to, and the scope of the Services provided as part of the Subscription, will depend on the Plan you select. An up-to-date list of the features available on each Plan can be found on the Website.

4.  Tender Australia reserves the right, in our sole and absolute discretion and without any liability to you, to make changes to our Services and Plans from time to time.


1.  Subscription entitles you to a single-use, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access the Services, subject to the terms and conditions contained in these Terms. 

2.  When creating an Account, you warrant and represent that:
all information provided is true, accurate and complete to the best of your knowledge.  
You have the full right and authority to enter these Terms and perform your obligations under these Terms.  
You have read and understand the terms and conditions contained within these Terms and the Privacy Policy and agree to be bound by them.  
You will only use the Services for lawful purposes.

3.  You further agree and acknowledge that you are solely responsible for keeping all relevant and personal information, including but not limited to your Account’s username, passwords and other security features, confidential and secure to prevent unauthorised use of your Account. If you reasonably suspect that your Account’s security is compromised, you must notify us immediately. You agree to be solely responsible for any conduct associated with, or originating from, your Account.

4.  We are not liable or responsible in any way for any damages, liabilities, costs and expenses (including any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages and reasonable legal fees and expenses) arising out of, or related to, any breaches of the Account’s security.

5.  From  time to time, you may change information relating to your Account. You undertake to update your Account details with true and accurate information at all times. We undertake to take reasonable care with any information you provide to us when creating, updating and accessing your Account in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


1.  You agree to the pricing as published on Our Website or as otherwise agreed in writing by Tender Australia.

2.  We may also charge you transaction fees to recover the costs we incur for card and other payment methods. Any applicable taxes, levies and/or other transaction fees will be added to the final amounts charged.

Billing and payments

1.  The following billing cycles may be available depending on the Plan selected. The billing cycle selected will determine the term of this agreement:

Monthly – you pay for the Services for a fixed term of 1 month.  
Quarterly – you pay for the Services for a fixed term of 3 months.  
Biannually – you pay for the Services for a fixed term of 6 months; or   
Annually – you pay for the Services for a fixed term of 12 months.

2.  Initial payment of the Subscription Fee is due on the Subscription Date unless otherwise agreed in writing by Tender Australia and thereafter on each monthly, quarterly, biannual or annual anniversary of the Subscription Date depending on the billing option selected above. If the initial recurring payment falls on the 29th, 30th or 31st of any given month, we may adjust the billing cycle to the 1st of the following month on the next billing cycle.

3.  The Subscription will automatically terminate after the selected billing cycle, in accordance with these Terms. 

4.  You acknowledge and agree that:
     unless otherwise agreed, the Subscription Fee must be paid to us by credit card; and  
     Tender Australia reserves the right to vary the Subscription Fee, by providing you with at least 30 days’ prior notice, before effecting any such changes.

5.   If any Subscription Fees remain outstanding for a period of 30 days or more, we may suspend your Account and use of the Services until you pay all outstanding fees. Tender Australia will also suspend all work on existing projects during any such suspension period. We will continue to charge you fees during suspension, and you must pay all outstanding fees to regain access to the Services.


We will only issue refunds if we are required to do so under the Australian Consumer Law.

Fair Use

1.  Tender Australia wishes to ensure that all subscribers benefit equally from the Services. Therefore, we reserve the right to limit your use of the Services where, in the opinion of Tender Australia, your use of the Service is excessive or unreasonable (including without limitation an excessive number of requested revisions or changes to the scope of work).

2.  Once we have identified a trend of excessive use of the Services, we will notify you that any further Services will be subject to an additional fee, to be quoted and agreed upon at the relevant time.

Term of agreement

1.  The Services may be terminated by:
-  You or us, at any time, by providing one months’ written notice via email.   
-  Tender Australia, if you have committed any material breach of these Terms, and in the case of a breach capable of being remedied, you fail to remedy the breach within ten (10) days, after the receipt of a written request from us. 
-  Tender Australia, if you fail to make any payment due to be made to Tender Australia; or  
-  Tender Australia, if we decide to no longer offer the Services, or any Plan.

2.  You acknowledge and agree that you will not be entitled to any credits or refunds (whether in part or in full) for any unused Services or portion of Services.

3.  If the Subscription is cancelled at any time before the conclusion of the then-current term or you otherwise elect not to renew the Subscription, you will not be entitled to any credits or refunds for amounts accrued or paid prior to such termination and will otherwise continue to be liable for the term of your Subscription (for example, if you elected to pay for the Subscription biannually (i.e. for a term of 6 months) and terminate after 3 months, you will not be entitled to a refund in respect of the remaining 3 months). 

4.  Upon termination of these Terms, Tender Australia will immediately disable your Account (including your username and password) and consequently, deny you access to the Services.

Representations and warranties 

Subject to all applicable laws, the Services are provided, on an as is basis. We make no representation or warranty, express or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Intellectual Property

For the purpose of this clause:
1.  “Intellectual Property Rights” means all registered and unregistered intellectual property rights including in relation to present and future copyright, trademarks, designs, know-how and patents.  

2.  “Pre-Existing Intellectual Property Rights” means:
-  With reference to Tender Australia, all Intellectual Property Rights of Tender  Australia existing prior to the Subscription Date or otherwise developed during the course of this agreement in respect of Tender Australia business or that of its other clients. 
-  With reference to the Subscriber, all Intellectual Property Rights of the Subscriber prior to the Subscription Date.  
3.  “Developed Materials” means any materials developed by Tender Australia specifically for the Subscriber but excluding any Pre-Existing Intellectual Property Rights of Tender Australia, Subscriber Materials or Third-Party Materials; and   
4.  “Third-Party Materials” means any third-party materials used in producing or in conjunction with the Developed Materials including (without limitation) third-party software, and third-party images, designs and layouts.

Notwithstanding any other provision in these Terms, Tender Australia retains absolute ownership of all its Pre-Existing Intellectual Property Rights and Tender Australia is in no way limited in its continued use of such Intellectual Property Rights including the use of such Intellectual Property Rights for any other client.

Exclusions and Limitations of Liability

To the extent permitted by law, Tender Australia will not be liable for any loss or damages, costs or expenses, whether direct, indirect, incidental or consequential including those arising from:

1.  The Subscription or the Services.
2.  Suspension or cancellation of your Account.
3.  Your use of or any inability to use or access the Services.
4.  Any interruptions or delays in accessing the Website or any third-party websites. 
5.  Any delay in the provision of the Services, or failure to meet any deadlines, Tender Australia; or
6.  Circumstancesbeyond the reasonable control of Tender Australia,

whether in contract, tort (including negligence) orotherwise.
1.  All conditions and warranties, which may be implied by law into these Terms, are excluded except to the extent that it would be unlawful to do so.
2.  To the extent permitted by law, our total liability to you under these Terms is limited, at our option, to one or more of the following:
 -     the resupply of the Services; or
 -     the payment of the cost of having the Services resupplied.


You agree to indemnify Tender Australia from any liability for any loss, damage, costs or expense whether direct, indirect, incidental, special and/or consequential, including loss of profits, suffered by you or us or any claims whatsoever made against you or us.


Any notice to be given by Tender Australia under these Terms, or in relation to the Services, will be in writing, and sent to the email address provided by you in respect of the relevant Account, or by posting the relevant information on the Website. Such notice shall be deemed to have been given at the time the email was sent by Tender Australia, or at the time the relevant information was posted on the Website. Any notice to be given by you under these Terms, or in relation to the Services, will be in writing, and sent to your account email.


You shall not assign, transfer or sub-licence any of your rights or obligations under these Terms, except with the prior written consent of Tender Australia.


By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you also consent to receive further electronic communications from us in relation to the Tender Australia business, including promotions and special offers. You may email us at any time to unsubscribe from receiving electronic commercial messages from us.


1.  If any provision of these Terms is found to be invalid or unenforceable by a Court of law, such invalidity or unenforceability will not affect the remainder of the document, which will continue in full force and effect.
2.  All rights not expressly granted in these Terms are reserved.
3.  If we do not act in relation to a breach of these Terms by you, this does not waive our rights to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches of these Terms by you.
4.  Unless otherwise expressly stated in writing by Tender Australia, these Terms constitute the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous writing, negotiations and/or discussions with respect to the subject matter.

Governing law

The laws of South Australia, Australia govern these Terms.